
Saturday, February 12, 2011

Bolognese and Good Byes

I believe today will be a good day. There's a couple of reasons for this feeling:

1) The mountains are out here over the Flathead Valley, and

2) I get to share my Bolognese recipe with you all!

There is all sorts of possibilities awaiting all of us today and I hope that we all reach out and grab them by the horns and hang on tight.
This recipe I am dedicating to my Grandfather. He passed away last week leaving me slightly less than stable. A leg got kicked out of my stool you could say. And it's dedicated to him because this is the meal I was sharing with loved ones the night he went to the great beyond.

Sappiness aside. This Bolognese could make even a grown man cry. Has anyone picked up that I love making Italian dishes? I come by it honestly, my Grandpa often requesting lasagna, ravioli, and his all time favorite Fruiti Del Mar (maybe this recipe will be coming soon...)

I know a way to some one's heart... their stomach and no one proved that better than my "John Wayne" styled Grandfather who would often respond "Me too." to my offerings of "I love you."

Well this recipe would make him proud and will surely be delicious for your loved ones this Valentine's Day weekend. It is a great way to say "I love you" And "Does anyone want seconds?"

And you are sure to hear, "Yes, Please!"

And I'll bet you'll whisper to yourself as you pass more of this sauce and watch as it drips over the fresh homemade pasta "Me too."
Happy Valentine's Day to you and yours. Remember Valentine's Day isn't just for lovers, it's for love. Anyone, anywhere, any how can feel and express love for this is the essence of our best selves. The closest we get to our true selves is through loving and receiving love without conditions. In those moments when a lightning bolt hits straight through your flesh and transforms you into a Super Human. This is the power of love.

And this Bolognese paired with the Homemade Spaghetti (coming soon) will make us all Super Human as well. And Whole Wheat Crusty Italian Bread works great with this, but please read my tips carefully okay?

Let's get started shall we?

 Bolognese (Adapted from Pioneer Woman Cooks)
2 tbsp. olive oil
1 cup grated carrots
1 whole large white onion, diced
1 pound ground turkey (or farm raised fresh ground beef will work)
2 tbsp. dried oregano
2 tbsp. dried basil
1 can (6 ounce) tomato paste
7 cloves garlic, minced
1 cup dry red wine
2 tbsp Worcestershire
2 cans (28 Ounce) Whole Tomatoes
1 cup low fat milk
Salt And Pepper, to taste
Fresh Parmesan Cheese
1. First we are going to prep the vegetables. We need to slice the ends off the carrots and shred them baby! Warning: You will get an arm work out here and be careful not to shred your fingers or knuckles, please.
1a. Then dice the onion and mince the garlic. Set aside and now it's time to start cooking!
2. Heat the largest stock pot you can find in the house with the olive oil. Add the grated carrots and white onion. Allow to cook for 5-6 minutes. Then create a well in the carrot mixture and add the ground turkey. Slowly stir in the meat and cook until it's browned and incorporated into the carrot mixture. 
3. Add the oregano and basil (if you have fresh please use that instead of the dry.. here in Montana fresh just isn't that readily available!)
4. Then create another well (you are going to start getting really good at this) and add the tomato paste. Allow the paste to heat then begin to slowly incorporate and add the minced garlic as well. Stir to combine and heat everything through. Then create another well (I told you!) and add the red wine and stir. Yummy. Isn't it starting to smell like heaven?
5. Then add the worchestershire and whole tomatoes and stir and mash the tomatoes starting to break them up into the sauce with a wooden spoon. 
6. Then add the milk. Magic happens now when you let it simmer for at least 30 minutes, but I prefer an hour or two, the flavors mature and deepen after cooking on low for a few hours making this sauce a big spoonful of love!

7. Serve over Homemade Spaghetti Noodles (coming soon) 
 and with Homemade Whole Wheat Crusty Italian Bread (also coming soon).
Add a sprinkling of Parmesan cheese and this is what I call perfection! 

Servings: 8 (approx 3/4 of a cup)

Nutritional Skinny:

155 calories / 4 g fat / 12.6 g carbohydrates / 2.4 g fiber / 13 g protein

Mental Health Benefit:  This recipe is packed with protein and low in calories due to the lean ground turkey (or beef). It is a meal that will satisfy you and soothe you through these long winter months. I hope you have a wonderful Valentine's Day spending time with those you love. Don't forget either, the most important person to give love to is YOU! Love yourself this Valentine's Day and treat yourself to this nutritious and delicious home made pot of love!

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